TimeSheet Employee Name: Position: Start Date of pay Period: End Date of Pay Period: Sat/ Thu Fri Sun Mon Tue Wed Working Hours ML, EL, or AD* Holiday Annual Leave Vacation Sick Hospital Bereave- ment Total Hours: Week: Sat/ Thu Fri Sun Mon Tue Wed Working Hours ML, EL, or AD* Holiday Annual Leave Vacation Sick Hospital Bereave- ment Total Hours: Week: Overall: PERSONNEL ACTIVITY REPORT (Check All That Apply) Teacher Duties in HS Classroom Assisted in HS Classroom Teacher Duties in EHS Classroom Assisted in EHS Classroom Teacher duties in Child Care Classroom Teacher duties in Child Care Classroom Teacher Duties in HS Home Base Teacher Duties in EHS Home Base Drove Bus Monitored on Bus Cook Duties Assisted Parents/Recruitment Assisted Staff Attended Meeting(s)/Training Community Engagement Activities Computer Work, Technology Phone Calls, E-Mails Planning, Budgeting, Grant Writing Purchased Supplies Reporting Hiring Reviewed Staff’s Work/Documents Trained Staff Vision & Hearing Substitutes – will use any of the first five options applicable to the days worked, after one is checked, please write down the dates you subbed for in that position. One-On-One Aides – check either Assisted in HS or Assisted in EHS Classrooms. By checking this box, I certify that all information on this form is correct. This checkbox represents my digital signature. Supervisor’s Signature: ________________________________________________________ Date: _____________________________ Download PDF FOR FISCAL USE ONLY A/L Balance Vacation Balance Sick Lv. Balance Hospital Lv Balance A/L Earned Vacation Used Sick Lv. Used Hospital Lv Used A/L Used Vacation Carryover Sick Lv. Carryover Hospital Lv Carryover A/L Carryover Payroll Voucher Employee Payroll # Distribution Code: Earning Codes: Hours to be Paid: Pay Information: Wages Overtime Executive Director’s approval: Annual Leave Holiday Sick Paid Date: Vacation Hospital Check/Voucher #: Bereavement Winter Break Exempt Employee: Yes Temp Additional Hours If not marked, then employee is Non Exempt.